This will be my 14th one. The con had started to become a bit dull for me about five years ago. I was beginning to feel that I was just going to be going.
That was when I started to run games at Dragoncon.
It changed things for me there. I felt like I had a reason to go besides all the stuff to see and do. I feel like I'm part of the con and an active participant.
This year, I'll be running two games, two sessions each.
The first is called Heroic Effort. Its a re-working, or even a re-imagining of one I ran my second year running using Mutants and Masterminds 2e. I'm updating it for 3e and changing the name from its original title, American Hero, to Heroic Effort.
Its about a reality gameshow to pick the newest member of the world's greatest superteam. Little did I realize that George R.R. Martin would steal the name and concept for his Wild Card novel a year later.
I'm kidding, of course. I'm certain its just great minds, or a great mind and a median mind, thinking alike.
The other game is a sequel of sorts to last year's CoC game. That one was about a weekend party gala held at a country estate for a family. One of my great regrets is that I lost the memory card with those audio recordings. They were great sessions and I think that family deserves another look.
I hope to try out some new games, see some old friends, and make some new ones. Hope to see you all there!