Its not a question I've been asked by anyone else, its one I've asked myself quite often. Why am I not running 4e? Whenever I manage to brave one of the local game stores and head to the bulletin board, to see in anyone has replied to my flyer looking for new players, I'm often met with disappointment. Not from my flyer, all the little tabs have been pulled off, (though nobody ever calls/emails, the cowards. :P), no the disappointment comes from all the other flyers on the board of folks who are looking for a game. After you wade through all the folks wanting someone else to play Warhammer 40k, all you're left with are flyers of folks that want to play 4e.
That's it.
I've only played a demo of the game and, while it was fun, it wasn't what I considered an rpg. Maybe I'd been broken by already playing Fantasy Flight Games' boardgame Descent, but the games eerily similar.
I felt that, in both games, I was playing as a playing piece, not a multi-faceted character with individual foibles and characteristics.
I might as well be trying to roleplay as the scottish terrier from the monopoly set.
So I don't understand the fascination with this tactical minatures game combined with CCG mechanics. I'd love someone to explain it to me. If you'd like to, please reply because I'm starting to feel old.
Really old.
Did I mention I turned 40 last month?